According to John Hadden's father he began farming when he started walking. In the family's cattle business he learned to work and appreciate the countryside. After graduating from the University of Georgia and working in Colorado, John moved back to the land he loves. There John branched out on his own with Katadhin sheep, because he saw the need and advantages in Georgia.
Hadden Farms was established as a land grant farm in 1769 after two brothers disembarked a ship in Savannah and walked to Gibson, GA.
Katahdin sheep were first brought to the farm 5 years ago. The flock started with 70 ewes and has been growing ever since. The goal has been to establish a parasite resistant flock that can raise lambs in a pasture based system that yield high quality meat.
Over the years, we’re proud to have garnered the trust and loyalty of numerous farmers, butchers and restaurants. That’s because our flock is welled cared for and scientifically selected for parasite resistance. Keep reading to learn more, and please reach out with any questions or just to chat.

August is a Great Pyrenees and he mainly guards the areas around the barns. He is extremely handsome. His father is Keba and sister is Say-Say.

Just like her brother and father Say-Say is a Great Pyrenees. She is the farms biggest lover and best with the little lambs.

Newest to the farm is Miles. He is going to be a tall Turkish Shepherd. He has already started bounding with the sheep. We are very proud of him.

Keba is now a semi-retired Great Pyrenees. He guards the home and horses. Father to August and Say-Say, he is also wonderful with children.