A good livestock guardian dog takes time to develop, but they are indispensable to my operation. I've never had any problems that I know of with the many coyotes surrounding my sheep largely because of my dogs' diligent patrolling of the pastures. Good dogs may be hard to find, but they are worth the investment in time and training.
Miles is our youngest dog on the farm that was born in 2018 and is still in training. He is a Turkish Shepherd similar to an Anatolian, and one of his best traits is that he does not dig holes in order to escape under fences.
Akie is an Akbash which is native to Turkey. He looks a lot like a Great Pyrenees. Akie works alone and will guard
anything in his pasture. He will also alert you if a rattle snake is close.
Keba is a semi-retired Great Pyrenees. He now guards the home and nearby calving pasture. Father to Auguste and Say-Say, he likes to remind everyone he's the alpha.
Say-Say is also a Great Pyrenees who started off being very aloof, but she developed into a confident and affectionate guardian once she was put in charge of her own flock and property.
Auguste is a Great Pyrenees, and he has developed into a loyal guardian. He is aloof and independent, but sometimes he enjoys attention and affection.